Lot 182:
Greek Asia. Seleucid Kings. Demetrios II Nikator. Second reign, (130-125 BC). AR Tetradrachm, Tyre mint, 129-128 BC. (?). Obv. Head right, diademed. Rev. BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΔHMHTPIOY. Eagle standing to left on prow with palm frond over shoulder; to left, monogram above club surmounted by Tyre monogram; to right, monogram above Δ(?)ΠP (date); M monogram between legs. Seleucid Coins 2195/2. AR. 13.18 g. 26.50 mm. Nice example, lightly toned. Area of rough surface on reverse. VF.
Start price € 150
Current price € 150
Minimum bid: € 160
Minimum bid increment € 10
Bids: 1