eLive Auction 36
Ancient and World Coins, Antiquities
Saturday 1 February 2025
Sunday 2 February 2025
eLive Auction 36
Ancient and World Coins, Antiquities
The online catalogue will accept bids from registered users until 14:00, Saturday 1 February 2025.
The auction will be broadcasted live on 15:00, Saturday 1 February 2025 (lots 1-500) and on 15:00, Sunday 2 February 2025 (lots 501-970)
It will be possible to bid live during the auction using this page, or using DeaMoneta website. Each website requires a different account: please be sure to register in time.
Bids can also be submitted by fax before 12:00h of the day before the auction (Fax number: +43125303330040).

World Coins
740: Germany. Wolfgang Graf von Schrattenbach (1711-1738). AR Taler, Olmütz mint, 1724
World Coins
757: Italy . Repubblica (Sec. XIII-1532). Fiorino d'oro XX serie, Firenze mint, 1252-1421, unknown mintmaster
941: ETRUSCAN CARNELIAN SCARABOID Etruscan culture, 4th - 3rd century BC. Important Etruscan scarab beetle in orange carnelian. The curved part is engraved in relief with anatomical details of the scarab, while the flat part depicts a scene from the Twelve Labors of Heracles (the Capturing of the Cretan Bull). Dimensions: 18.5 x 14 mm
The Roman Empire
329: Divus Augustus (died 14 AD). AE As, Rome mint, struck under Tiberius, 34-37
World Coins
829: Russia. Soviet Union (U.S.S.R.) (1917-1991). AR Rubel 1924 ПЛ, Leningrad mint
World Coins
818: Nepal. Birendra Bir Bikram (1972-2001). AR 100 Rupees 2031 (1974), year of the child
The Roman Empire
512: Macrinus (217-218). AR Tetradrachm, Emesa mint (Seleucis and Pieria, Syria)
942: BRONZE HERMES Italic culture, c. 4th - 2nd century BC. Bronze statuette of Hermes/Mercury with winged petasos and mantle, holding caduceus and bag. Dimensions: 69 mm