Lot 592:
Marcus Aurelius as Caesar (139-161). AE Sestertius, Rome mint, 155-156. Obv. AVRELIVS CAES ANTON AVG PII F. Head of Marcus Aurelius, bare, right, light drapery on far shoulder. Rev. TR POT X COS II S C. Minerva, helmeted, draped, standing, left, holding owl on extended right hand and vertical sceptre in left: round shield, at feet, right. RIC III Antoninus Pius 1325A. AE. 24.20 g. 31.50 mm. Light brown patina. About VF.
起拍价 € 60
当前出价 € 65
最低出价: € 70
最低出价 € 5
Bids: 2