Lot 571:
C. Vibius C. f. Pansa Caetronianus. AR Denarius, 48 BC. Obv. Mask of bearded Pan right; behind, sirinx (Pan-pipe); below, [P]ANSA. Rev. C. VIBIVS C.F. C.N. - IOVIS AXVR. Jupiter, laureate, seated left, holding patera and sceptre. Cr. 449/1; B. 19. AR. 3.72 g. 18.00 mm. Scarce. Choice, brilliant and lightly toned, with iridescent hues. Reverse as usually slightly off centre, otherwise. good VF.
起拍价 € 100
当前出价 € 160
最低出价: € 170
最低出价 € 10
Bids: 5