Lot 1070:
Danubian limes. Cast lead mystic plaque. Dacia and Moesia, 3rd-4th century AD. D/ Rectangular aedicula; on thympanum, fish between two crosses. Three bands of figures within square frame. In the upper row: vase between two coiled serpents; to left, bust of Mithra (?); to right, bust of Attis (?). In the middle row, Helen facing between the Dioscuri on horseback (the Danubian Horsemen); two prone figures below the horses. In the third row, sacrifical scene; tripod to left; to right, amphora with three apples and cock standing left. R/ Blank. PB. 91.00 g. 88.00 mm.
起拍价 € 200
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最低出价: € 200
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