Lot 736:
Aelia Flaccilla, first wife of Theodosius I (died 386 AD). AE 24 mm, Heraclea mint. Obv. AEL FLAC-CILLA AVG. Bust of Aelia Flacilla, with elaborate head-dress, draped, necklace, and mantle, right. Rev. SALVS REIPVBLICAE. Empress or Salus standing facing, head right, with arms folded over breast; star to left, cross to right; in exergue, •SMHA. RIC IX 25; C. 6. AE. 3.78 g. 24.00 mm. Scarce. Nice example of this scarce issue. VF.
Start price € 20
Current price € 130
Minimum bid: € 140
Minimum bid increment € 10
Bids: 21