Lot 345:
Agrippina, the Elder (died 33 AD). AE Sestertius, struck under Claudius. Obv. AGRIPPINA M F GERMANICI CAESARIS. Draped bust right, hair in long plait. Rev. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG GERM PM TR P IMP PP around large SC; above, c/m NCAPR within rectangular incuse. RIC I (2nd ed.) (Claud.) 102. AE. 25.16 g. 35 mm. Scarce. Rough surfaces. Good F. The counterstamp has been said to mean N(ummus) C(aesare) A(ugusto) PR(obatus) and to be of Flavian date, or to have been applied by the successor of Claudius and to mean N(ero) C(aesar) A(ugustus) PR(obavit). Another proposed solution reads N(eronis) C(aesaris) A(ugusti) P(opulique) R(omani).
Start price € 70
Current price € 80
Minimum bid: € 85
Minimum bid increment € 5
Bids: 3